Vandaag zullen wij daarom alle wijzigingen in de nieuwe cao nog eens op een rij zetten en terugkoppelen aan Ampleon. Onderdeel hiervan is bijvoorbeeld de nieuwe salarisschaal. Met betrekking tot de zogenaamde RAV’s is het zo dat wij ook al deze regelingen hebben gereviewd op actualiteit, zinvolheid en dubbelingen met de cao.
Tot slot is het zo dat de stuurgroep die zich bezig houdt met het onderzoek naar de verhoudingen en samenwerking binnen Ampleon niet meer bijeen is geweest sinds 29 april. Hierover kunnen wij je dus niet nader informeren.
Heb je opmerking of vragen, neem dan contact met mij op.
We herewith inform you about the state of affairs at Ampleon. At the beginning of June we had the last consultation with your employer about the collective labor agreement texts. We received their reaction last week and in the meantime we have said to each other that this issue must be completed by 1 August at the latest. That is wy today we will check all changes in the text and give feedback to Ampleon. Part of this is, for example, the new pay rate or salary scale. Regarding to the so-called RAV’s, we have also reviewed all these arrangements on current events, usefulness and duplication with the collective labor agreement.
Today we will meet the Works Council in order to realise an opinion shared by all about what is on the table and who owns it. For an RAV it applies that it is an agreement with the Works Council and/or the Unions; ór Ampleon decides for themselves, this depends on the subject. The most recent example is ‘thuiswerken’ or ‘working from home’. Is your employer the only one to make a decision on this subject? Next week we will also form an opinion on this.
Finally, we have to inform you that the Steering Committee who is investigating the work relationships and mutual cooperation within Ampleon has not met since 29 April. Therefore we cannot give you any further information.
If you have any comments of questions, please give me call or send an email.
Arthur Bot
CNV Vakmensen
M 06-20445190 / E /