Maandag 21 december organiseren wij ledenvergaderingen op het bedrijf. Dat doen we volgens de geldende coronaregels in kleine groepjes op 1,5 meter. Onderstaand een schema voor een tweetal ledenvergaderingen.
Voorts verontschuldigen wij ons voor het late tijdstip van aankondigen van deze vergaderingen. De planning heeft even meer tijd gevraagd dan wij aanvankelijk dachten. Er volgt ook nog een schriftelijke raadpleging, waarbij alle leden hun stem kunnen uitbrengen.
Together with the other trade unions, CNV Vakmensen has been in discussion with your employer for a long time about agreements for a 5-shift operation. In the end we managed to agree on a protocol. We would like to explain this to you.
The 5 shift scheme as we had short-circuited it a year ago has been slightly adjusted. This adjustment is beneficial because the 10 flex days (return days) have been completely removed from the scheme. Over the past year, these return days have always been the major problem in reaching agreement on the arrangement. We then looked at the allowance for working on public holidays. This calculations show that the surcharge for the holidays is included in the 28.5%. This makes it count over the whole year and that is beneficial fort he employees. This had made the scheme a lot simpler, but also easier te explain and understand for employees. This scheme is thus greatly simplified and easier to explain. We believe that this will allow us to conclude the shift discussion in a positive way for the employees.
Monday 21 December we organize member meetings at the company. We do this according tot he applicable corona rules in small groups at 1,5 meters. Below is a schedule for two member meetings.
We also apologise fort he late announcement of these meetings. The planning has taken a little longer than we originally thought. There will also be a written consultation in which all members can cast their votes.
Datum |
Ploeg |
Tijd |
21 december 2021 |
1 |
13:20 – 13:50 uur |
2 |
14:10 – 14:40 uur |
Robert Wonnink
Bestuurder CNV VakmensenM 06 51 86 42 65 / E